How do I study the bible?

It is not necessary that the Verses in the Bible have to be read in a sequence. You can start with any verse in different books and go through the commentaries on the internet to grasp the meaning of the verses in a more comprehensive way.

The Bible is the highest-selling book of all time. It is even more widely read than fiction novels such as the Harry Potter series.

Before delving into the question of how to study the Bible, it is imperative to know that different styles would suit different people.

This is because the grasping capability differs from person to person. Some people are better equipped to learn the key teachings of the Bible more quickly whereas others may take more time depending upon different factors such as learning speed, learning disabilities if any, and amount of curiosity.

Start with Psalms

Psalms are a group of poems composed to God. They are part of the Old Testament. There are a total of 150 psalms and these poems bring us closer to God by instilling the feeling of gratitude within us. Many of these psalms are believed to have been composed by King David. Some of these psalms were composed during times of lamentation while others were during times of comfort.

"God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give way and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea, though its waters roar and foam and the mountains quake with their surging." - Psalms 46

Read the Gospels

There are four canonical gospels in the Bible: the Gospels of Mark, Matthew, Luke, and John. They inform us about the life and teachings of Christ. In short, they encourage us to be more like Christ and to show our gratitude towards him for redeeming us from our sins by making the supreme sacrifice. Many of the teachings are in the form of parables so that the message of the Bible is inculcated more easily.

Search for the commentaries of Bible verses on the internet.

The internet is a treasure trove for the different commentaries on the Bible. It is not necessary that the Verses in the Bible have to be read in a sequence. You can start with any verse in different books and go through the commentaries on the internet to grasp the meaning of the verses in a more comprehensive way.

Some of the well-known websites presenting Bible commentaries on the internet are Enduring Word, BibleRef and Blue Letter Bible.

Don't forget to read the Book of Revelations.

The Book of Revelations is a book of hope. It teaches us that in the future, Christ will set up the Kingdom of God on earth and will himself rule for 1000 years known as the Millennium. He will judge the people righteously and evil will be conquered after the defeat of Satan.

"Then I saw heaven opened, and behold a white horse! The one sitting on it is called Faithful and True, and in righteousness, he judges and makes war." - Revelation 19:11


Reading the Bible and pondering over its teachings is a lifelong journey and a journey that is worth it. Take it slowly and with the help of the internet and communication with fellow believers, the central teachings of the Bible would be easier to understand.

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Jamie Larson