How many times does the phrase "it is good" appear in the book of Genesis in the Bible?

In Genesis, the phrase "it is good" is mentioned seven times as God reflects on His creation. The first occurrence is found in Genesis 1:4, where God separates light from darkness and sees that it is good.

The book of Genesis, the first book of the Bible, is known for its rich narrative of creation, human origins, and the covenantal relationship between God and humanity. Within the pages of Genesis, there are many instances where God declares His creation as "good." The phrase "it is good" appears multiple times throughout the book, highlighting the perfection and beauty of God's handiwork.

In Genesis, the phrase "it is good" is mentioned seven times as God reflects on His creation. The first occurrence is found in Genesis 1:4, where God separates light from darkness and sees that it is good. This affirmation reinforces the idea that light is essential for life and signifies the beginning of order and beauty in the universe.

The second mention of "it is good" occurs in Genesis 1:10 when God separates the waters from the land, creating seas and dry land. This declaration of goodness emphasizes the harmony and balance of the natural world and the abundance of resources provided by God for His creation.

Genesis 1:12 marks the third instance of "it is good" as God brings forth vegetation, plants, and trees on the earth. This affirmation underscores the beauty and diversity of the plant life that sustains and nurtures all living creatures.

The phrase "it is good" is repeated in Genesis 1:18, 21, and 25 as God continues to create and populate the earth with celestial bodies, sea creatures, birds, and land animals. Each declaration of goodness serves as a testament to the intricate design and purpose that God has for His creation, highlighting His wisdom, power, and care for every living thing.

The final occurrence of "it is good" in the book of Genesis is found in Genesis 1:31, where God reflects on all that He has made and declares it "very good." This ultimate affirmation encapsulates the perfection and completeness of God's creation, affirming that everything He has made is harmonious, beautiful, and in accordance with His divine plan.

The repetition of the phrase "it is good" in the book of Genesis serves as a reminder of God's goodness, creativity, and love for His creation. Each instance of this affirmation reaffirms the intrinsic value and purpose of everything that God has made, from the light and darkness to the plants and animals, to humanity itself.

As we reflect on the phrase "it is good" in the book of Genesis, we are invited to join in God's delight and appreciation for His creation. We are reminded of the beauty and wonder that surrounds us, the abundance of blessings that we have been given, and the responsibility we have to care for and steward the earth and all living beings.

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Jamie Larson