The Six-Pointed Star: A Symbol of Economic Prosperity?

Today, October 7th, 2024, I want to share something profound.

I have been thinking a lot about how the economy works in our world and whether its secret is hidden behind the six-pointed star - yes, the hexagram symbol held in high esteem by Christians and Jews alike.

But, before going into further detail, let's ponder over the diagram of the six-pointed star a little bit.

As we can see, this sacred symbol is composed of two triangles. One of these triangles exists upright and resembles the letter 'A.' On the other hand, the other triangle resembles the letter 'V.'

But, you might ask, Anurag, what is the significance of these two letters in economic terms?

And my answer is that these two letters hold tremendous importance in understanding how our world works. In other words, we can understand how God wants our world to work not only in financial terms but in other aspects as well.

So hold back and grab a cup of coffee before proceeding any further.


The letter 'A' represents capitalism. As you might know, Capitalism is a phenomenon that espouses the cause of a free market and less or no government intervention. Money begets more money here. Since the business owners deploy capital and other means of production such as land, labor, and machinery, they are given a free hand to reap rewards.

However, there is a caveat.

This model is not altruistic. Because the business owners take big risks, the reward (money and influence for the unversed) is also disproportional. The ones who succeed become richer and more richer thus widening the gap between the rich and the poor.

But this model is also exploitative because the poor who don't have capital often have to work for meager wages. The business owners can leverage their sweat and blood.

So, the tip of the letter 'A' would represent God and those in his vicinity would be uber-rich. As we move downward, the wealth of the individuals decreases to the point that there are millions or probably billions of lower-middle-class and poor people.

So, I hope this part of the economic model is clear.

Now, let's move on to the next letter. Letter 'V.'

This letter changes the economic model of the letter 'A' upside down.

Just as 'A.' represents capitalism, 'V.' represents socialism. Which would signify many individuals who are relatively wealthy at the top and a few poor people.

'V' is what many socialist countries aspire for and have even tried and failed. Popular examples are the countries of the erstwhile USSR and North Korea.

The 1970s and 1980s were a phase in which socialism clashed with communism. The two superpowers, the United States and the Soviet Union led by Russia clashed which the latter lost.

To put it in other words (my economic jargon), letter V lost to letter A

So, how am I so sure that the six-pointed star is a symbol of economic prosperity?

Because this symbol represents the balance between socialism and capitalism. Or we can say that this symbol represents a mixed economy.

However, the answer is not that straightforward.

Let's assume the letter 'A' represents the thesis and the letter 'V.' represents the anti-thesis. So what would be the climax or the synthesis?

If you are wondering if it's the hexagram, then you have good common sense.

To put it more bluntly, here is the final answer: the six-pointed star represents an economic model in which a few people are very wealthy with many wealthy people followed by a few people who are very poor with many poor people and the average of these two realities is at the middle who we know as the middle class.

This is the secret economic sauce and one which in my view is followed and implemented by God through us, the common people.

However, you might be contemplating why God follows this model.

The answer is that God has to reach the omega point himself and without considering all aspects, a perfect outcome cannot be had.

By following the economic aspects of the hexagram, all philosophies such as meritocracy, nepotism, capitalism, socialism, and many more are given weightage.

And this is how we reach the grand climax that we see working around us, the global economy which we are all a part of.

This answer was not easy for me to arrive at but I am hopeful that the reader can grasp the fragments of the mind of God through this post.

Thank You for reading.

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Jamie Larson