What does the Bible and Edgar Cayce say about the number of survivors during the demise of Earth?
In the Bible, the Book of Revelation describes a series of apocalyptic events that will signal the end of the world and the eventual return of Jesus Christ. One of the key passages in this book is Revelation 7:4, which mentions the sealing of 144,000 servants of God from the tribes of Israel.
The Bible and the teachings of Edgar Cayce, a well-known American psychic and clairvoyant, offer different perspectives on the number of survivors during the demise of Earth. Both sources provide intriguing insights into the concept of survival and the fate of humanity in times of great upheaval.
In the Bible, the Book of Revelation describes a series of apocalyptic events that will signal the end of the world and the eventual return of Jesus Christ. One of the key passages in this book is Revelation 7:4, which mentions the sealing of 144,000 servants of God from the tribes of Israel. Some interpretations suggest that this number represents a symbolic representation of a select group of believers who will be saved and protected during the end times.
Additionally, the Bible also speaks of a great multitude that no one can count, coming from every nation, tribe, people, and language, standing before the throne and before the Lamb (Revelation 7:9). This passage implies the idea of a diverse and numerous group of people who will be saved and survive the judgment day, regardless of their background or origins.
On the other hand, Edgar Cayce, known as the "Sleeping Prophet," offered his own unique insights on the fate of humanity during catastrophic events. Cayce often spoke of the concept of reincarnation and the idea that souls have multiple opportunities to learn and grow through different lifetimes. He suggested that those who are spiritually prepared and have worked towards self-improvement will have a better chance of surviving and thriving during times of global turmoil.
Cayce also spoke about the concept of soul groups or soul families, where individuals are connected through past life experiences and shared spiritual goals. These soul groups may come together during times of crisis to support and assist each other in navigating challenging circumstances.
While the perspectives of the Bible and Edgar Cayce may differ in some aspects, both sources point towards the idea that there is hope for survival and renewal even in the midst of catastrophic events. Whether it is through faith, spiritual preparedness, or deep connections with others, there are ways for individuals to find strength and resilience during times of upheaval.