What is the biblical meaning of variance?

Overall, the biblical meaning of variance is clear: it is a force that undermines unity, peace, and harmony among believers. The Bible encourages us to actively pursue peace, seek reconciliation, and strive for unity in our relationships with others.

In the Bible, the concept of variance is often associated with discord, conflict, and disagreement among people. The term variance is used to describe situations where there is a lack of harmony or unity, leading to division and strife. It is important to understand the biblical perspective on variance in order to gain insight into how to address and resolve conflicts in our lives.

The Bible addresses the issue of variance in several passages, emphasizing the importance of unity and peace among believers. In Romans 14:19, it is written, "Let us therefore make every effort to do what leads to peace and to mutual edification." This verse highlights the biblical emphasis on pursuing peace and harmony in our relationships with others, rather than allowing variance to cause division.

Another notable passage that addresses the issue of variance is found in Galatians 5:19-21, where the apostle Paul lists variance as one of the "works of the flesh" that are contrary to the fruit of the Spirit. This passage underscores the destructive nature of discord and division, warning believers against engaging in behaviors that contribute to variance and conflict.

The biblical perspective on resolving and preventing variance is rooted in the principles of love, forgiveness, and reconciliation. In Matthew 5:9, Jesus declares, "Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God." This verse highlights the importance of actively pursuing peace and seeking to reconcile relationships that have been affected by variance.

Furthermore, the Bible provides practical guidance on how to address conflicts and disagreements in a manner that promotes unity and reconciliation. In Matthew 18:15, Jesus outlines a process for resolving conflicts within the Christian community, emphasizing the importance of seeking reconciliation and restoration in the face of variance.

Overall, the biblical meaning of variance is clear: it is a force that undermines unity, peace, and harmony among believers. The Bible encourages us to actively pursue peace, seek reconciliation, and strive for unity in our relationships with others. By following the principles outlined in the Scriptures, we can work towards resolving conflicts and promoting a spirit of love and unity within our communities.

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Jamie Larson